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Photo Paintings - Canvas Stretched
$30.50 Discount for a Reprint in any size
Portrait Paintings
Couple Portraits
Wedding Portraits
Family Portraits
Children Portraits
Pet Portraits
Landscape Wall Art

Media Prints
Photo Painting - Canvas Stretched

Place an Order

Size / Price :  
If you can not decide which painting style suits your photo we will do our best to select the top style(s) for you FREE of charge
Gallery Wrap
Gallery Wrap Border
Mirrored Border
Mirrored Border
Colored Border
Colored Border
Additional designs
(not refundable)
+ $25 (combine two photos into one)
+ $20 (background replacement)
+ $20 (remove unwanted object)
+ $20 (place absent objects)
+ $5 (add text)
$25 Next day preview
Printing Time : 
Shipping Method : 


- shipping cost will be added after you preview and approve your order

Steps to Placing Order

  • Select media print option and size.
  • Click on the "Pay Now" button to pay an advance fee.
    shipping cost will be added after you preview and approve your order
  • Send your picture by email as attachment to:
  • Provide us with the following information:
    - Subject: painting
    - Your Name
    - Your Email Address
    - Instructions/comments (optional)

  • After placing the order, you will receive an order confirmation via email.
  • You will be able to preview sample(s) of your altered photo for your review in 4-5 business days.
  • You will be able to request any changes you would like.
  • If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our artwork, you may cancel the order.
    100% money back guarantee! Guarantee doesn't apply once your have approved the artwork.
  • After the order is approved, we will process the balance of your payment.
  • The printing process takes 5-10 days. Shipping takes 5-7 business days to anywhere in the U.S.
Standard Shipping Prices
8 x 10
10 x 12
12 x 16
16 x 20
20 x 24
20 x 30
24 x 36
30 x 40
34 x 44
40 x 60
Custom Size:
Pricing is determined by size
For pricing of custom sized prints, check this chart for the price of the next highest print.
For example, if you ask for a 14"x18" the charge will be for a 16"x20"